Sustainable footwear: Discover our Sandals made with Corn | Verney ...





Sustainable footwear: Discover our Sandals made with Corn

  • by: Verney - Sustaintable Shoes
  • Sustentabilidade

The production of sustainable footwear is, fortunately, increasingly becoming a reality in today's world.

To keep up with this new reality, various alternative raw materials to traditional leather have emerged. This shows that, on the one hand, the footwear industry has evolved and, on the other, that more and more research and tests have been carried out to find possible materials that could be viable alternatives in the production of sustainable footwear.

In this sense, our brand recently came across a new material that is at least surprising: corn!

Corn is not only used to make good popcorn, now it can even be used in your shoes.

How? We'll explain everything!


Discovering corn for the production of sustainable footwear

Our team likes to be present at national and international fairs and exhibitions to keep up to date with what's new.

It was at an international fair in Milan that we discovered the proposal of corn as a viable alternative.

Obviously, before going ahead with any production, tests were carried out to ensure the quality of the material and its performance. This stage is crucial for any new raw material, as this is how you get an idea of the result of the final product and its quality.

After a positive testing phase, it was decided to go ahead with the project and create a new product using corn.


How is corn used in practice?

In reality, as with apples, the leftovers that are thrown away by other industries, such as the food industry, are reused.

In this case, the leaves and cobs that are useless to the food industry are used. These scraps are shredded and mixed with synthetic materials to turn them into fabric.



Corn is an excellent ecological option for the production of sustainable footwear because:

- It is easily accessible

- It is a renewable resource

- Scraps from other industries are reused

- The circular economy is prioritized

- The material is resistant

- It can be a very versatile material


Our footwear made from corn

Our spring/summer collection includes some models, namely sandals, made from corn which have been a great success.

Among the models we have the Vigo model, a sandal with a very modern design and enviable comfort.

We also have the Vicken model, a black sandal with an affirmed, modern look.

Both sandals have the advantage of being very comfortable and light, ideal for hot summer days.


What do people say about our sustainable footwear made from corn?

Surprisingly, the public's reaction has been very positive and we can see a great deal of curiosity from the media, as it's not a very common material.

Thanks to this, NIT and Welectric highlighted our brand and both wrote an article about this novelty. We're very grateful for the sharing and it gives us the strength to keep innovating!

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